How are you improving yourself? Are you working on it daily, weekly, MONTHLY?!
Check it - there are 121 DAYS left in 2015. Have you reached your goals yet? Have you tried?
Don't worry, it's not too late. Start becoming a BETTER HUMAN now! Hate reading? Start with a magazine, here are a few of our faves:
Do you see it? What do they all have in common?
Whether it's health, mind, business, family. Does your reading align with your goals, visions, dreams?
What kind of emails do you receive? No, not just work emails, but blogs, updates, eblasts. Who do you follow? What's in our inbox or on your feed?
See our point yet?
We love:
Do you want to be inspired, learn something, or maybe even have a laugh? Surround yourself with what you want to see, hear, achieve. Cut out the negative.
Surround yourself with gossip, the bad, the stuff that really doesn't fill you up and don't be surprised if that's what you find in your life.
Who will you follow/read/stalk/watch/listen today?