You don't have to be perfect.
Posted by Ronda Conger on"You don't have to be perfect. Pretty happy is pretty great." - Kate Hudson, Pretty Happy This book recently fell into our possession: We're LOVING it! Not only is it beautiful, but it's interactive. You'll find a Mindfulness Questionnaire, Drawing Board for Gratefulness, your own daily planner and so much...
Motivation - the key to keeping you going.
Posted by Ronda Conger onWhat do you want to be better at? How do you want to grow this year? What's on your vision board? All great questions but how are you going to make it happen? Are you reading, growing, thinking, doing the right things to make your dreams a reality? One thing...
22 Short & Sweet Leadership Principles
Posted by Ronda Conger onAre you listening? Really listening? There are messages and lessons around us even on a date night. Yes, another movie blog but you don't want to miss these leadership quotes from the movie, Eddie The Eagle. Brian Dodd helped us on this one, 22 Leadership Quotes And Principles From Eddie The...
The 10 simple and straight forward.
Posted by Ronda Conger onBeing a Better Human doesn't have to be rocket science. It doesn't have to be about how many books you read, or what time you get up in the morning. Yes, those things can help but let's get to the basics. Huffington Post reminded us how important it is to...
5 things you need in your relationship today.
Posted by Ronda Conger onQuick question - what's the last thing you said to your spouse? Was it positive or negative? Words of love? Or a complaint? What are you putting over their life? If you think your marriage sucks, big surprise, we have no doubt it does! Michael Hyatt recently sent out, Why...