Friday LOVE Day with Ronda Conger
Posted by Ronda Conger on- Tags: BetterHuman, books, buisness, Energy, gratitude, Grit, growth, Jon Gordon, Lead, Leadership, Learn, news, Passion, prepare, ronda conger
Creating a Culture & a Life Full of Gratitude
Posted by Ronda Conger onSometimes we take for granted those around us. We forget what it feels like to have someone there every day, to be surrounded by others on your team, company, organization, neighborhood or even your family.
One simple phrase, “so glad you are here” life changing.
The 10 simple and straight forward.
Posted by Ronda Conger onBeing a Better Human doesn't have to be rocket science. It doesn't have to be about how many books you read, or what time you get up in the morning. Yes, those things can help but let's get to the basics. Huffington Post reminded us how important it is to...
What do you need most?
Posted by Ronda Conger onIt's a near year, a new us, time for some new stuff. We need to know - what would you want to hear? It's time for the writing to start again, Ronda is tossing some ideas around... Better Leader, Better Marriage, Better Business, Better Children... What do you need most?...
- Tags: BetterHuman, gratitude, growth, Lead, Passion
Did you know, you have a superpower?
Posted by Ronda Conger onWe're not lying, you have a superpower!! It's hidden right on your face. That's right, your big, bright, happy smile. Listen closely and watch how smiling will change your life.